Next Level Living With Chrissy Helmer

Meet My husband Part 1 (ep #227)



This has been the most requested podcast.... How did Mike and I meet, who is he and what is our story. We decided to not only give you that but SO much more. We gathered a lot of the questions you have sent over from celibacy to dating, grief and beyond and bring them to you in this very transparent, raw and sacred two part conversation. Also please do let me know if you know anyone who lost their child and got married in the same year please for the love send them my way. LIFE IS WILD. I thought after running a business thru a pandemic , getting divorced, loosing beloved friends and mentorss as well as raising strong willed teenagers was enough sorrow, suffering and refining for me .. BUT enter 2023.  ONLY GOD could reedeem, restore, heal, renew and use this journey to inspire, help , heal and bring hope to others.  Thank you to my amazing husband for sharing so openly and allowing yall into this part of the journey with us. I have nothing but the highest honor, respect, love and adoration for him.