Talk About Gay Sex Podcast

EP 550 MAGA Councilman Bad Behavior at Gay Bar, Traveling with Toys, App Etiquette, He lives with Parents?



On a new TAGSPODCAST aka Talk About Gay Sex podcast, Host Steve V is joined by Co-host Kodi Maurice Doggette for all new hot LGBTQ topics, sex & relationship advice and more:MAGA City Councilman Chris Kilpatrick in SoCal urinates outside of gay bar Precinct and assaults manager outside of bar is forced to resignWould you let your family member direct you in a sex scene? Pornhub blocked in Texas now?How do you pack your sex toys?Do you screen your hookups to see if you are really into them? Hookup who lives with parents...Demanding a BJ every morning...AdviceGet 20% Off Plus Free Shipping from our Sponsor JOYMODE. Visit Promo Code: TAGSSteve V's Link Tree: Steve V. on IG: @iam_stevevFollow Kodi's Life Coaching on IG: @kmdcoachingFollow Kodi Maurice Doggette on IG: @mistahmauriceWanna drop a weekly or one time tip to TAGSPODCAST - Show your love for the show and support TAGS!Visit our website: tagspodcast.comNeeds some advice for a sex or relationship con