The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP555: TL Nugget #152 - Soar & Roar Your Way To Greatness



Before Covid and certain political changes, the business world was relatively normal with buyer confidence where it needed to be for businesses to thrive. But things quickly changed as lockdowns, inflation and other politics started changing the way people view the world, dramatically lowering buyer confidence. People contracted, preparing for worst case scenarios. Times have changed and so sales techniques need to change too.On March 23 - 25, 2024, there’s a virtual event that will dive deep into what these new times look like, how it got here and most importantly, how you can achieve greatness using new techniques that appeal to the hearts and minds of people in a post Covid world.Soar Live is about making people, businesses, and entrepreneurs uncensored, unleashed, and unstoppable. It’s a 3 day event to activate greatness, help you discover your purpose and achieve your dream life. You’ll discover what’s stopping you and how to get back into your flow. You’ll be made aware of changes in the world and marke