Gossiping Heifers

Episode 138: Over Sexualization of Black Women in America with Author Avery Washington



Visit www.gossipingheifers.com Avery Washington is an American poet, family advocate, speaker, publisher, and author of six bestselling books of inspiration.  He is a passionate author who has combined his gift of storytelling and poetry into influential collections of heartfelt writings to which we all can relate.​Washington is best known for writing Letters to My Daughters: Poetic Affirmations of Love from a Father, which profoundly speaks on the significance of father-daughter relationships. In 2018, he had the honor of discussing family advocacy before the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, D.C., and at the NAACP Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas.We discuss his latest book, OVER-SEXUALIZATION OF BLACK WOMEN IN AMERICA.Black women have been dehumanized through sexual objectification in the United States of America for hundreds of years and are still being degraded to this very day. The history behind this needs to be shared with the world so that the damaging untruths about the black woman can