
HeartlandPodcast.com Episode 15: #PresidentoftheKanyeWestFanClub Saint Pablo Tour Recap



Emergency Podcast: We went to the #SaintPabloTour and we had the time of our lives. On this episode we have our beautiful cohost on the podcast Starr (@thickestvegan) and a friend of the podcast Nunu. We touch on the preparations for the #Yeezy show; which includes B Diddy Dollars mediating before the show, we talk about how we got the tickets and picking out the right outfit (13:00).We talk about how B Diddy actually bought lottery tickets for the show and the #bumswag / militant style/ merchandise table video getting B Diddy 50,000 views on Instagram (22:00). We talk about the plotting on getting floor section seats, we talk about running into a minor cast member of the #RealHousewivesofAtlanta and we talk about us pretending to assistants to get dope seats at the #PhillipsArena (32:00). We talk about how a fan actually jumps on the platform at the #Atlanta show and how it could have put everyone in danger and how we saw that Kanye actually has a anchor stuntman above him the entire show holding the ropes a