Benzodiazepine Awareness With Geraldine Burns

Ep. 18 Suicide - The Jonathan Wagner Story



WARNING - In this podcast we talk to Debbie Wagner, Jonathan’s mother about his prescription of klonopin for trouble sleeping after changing shifts at work and his ultimate suicide. If you are very sensitive, PLEASE don’t listen to this podcast, but let your family members, friends, and medical professionals listen. The Wagners now have a foundation called the You Are Not Alone Jonathan Wagner Foundation to bring awareness about the potential dangers of benzodiazepines. Their website is www.ynabenzo.orgThis is how Jonathan would tell someone if they asked him today about what happened to him: My life was turned into a battle with my brain to stay alive from this medicine, a battle I did not win. Please don’t take this medication unless you absolutely have no other choice and question your doctor on the side effects . Thanks