Munger Place Church - Dallas, Texas

Not WHY but WHEN



Job and his friends are asking the question that many of ask at some point in our lives; why do bad things happen to good people? Job’s friends are convinced he is suffering because he has done something to deserve it. But in our scripture for this week, Job provides another perspective that can completely change the way we approach our struggles. Extra Mile: This scripture comes to us in the middle of Lent. A time when we intentionally reflect on our wrong doings. To this point, Job and his friends have done exactly that in an attempt to explain why Job is where he is. But what we learned this week is that doesn’t give them the answers they are looking for. So, as an added practice for us this Lent, let’s also reflect on where we have seen God during difficult times in our lives. What we will begin to realize is that even in the darkest of times, God was right by our side. Scripture: Job 21:7-9, 32-34 CEB Pastor: Rev. Sean McDonald