Parenting Beyond Discipline

#308: Raising Courageous Kids While Allowing Them to Stay True to Themselves



Parents know, letting fear stop us can really hold us back in life. We can each think of a time in childhood we wish we had overcome, or overcome the fear sooner and stepped into being more brave. Being brave doesn't mean we aren't afraid. Being brave means we feel the fear and do it anyway. As adults we know the great benefits of pushing ourselves past our discomfort (even if we struggle sometimes too!) Kid fears often seem so minor to us now. But they are big for them. Regardless of age, how can help your child see past the fear to the benefits of trying and overcoming, toddlers to teens? Like everything, it looks a little different at each age. I cover some great tools for helping kids build their courage muscle. Because the more we use it, the stronger it gets!Our Sponsors:* Check out Armoire and use my code PARENTING for a great deal:* Check out Homethreads and use my code PARENTING for a great deal:* Check out Puro Air :