Scalf Life

Episode 12:Gunfather Milsim



TriFecta Airsoft Podcast Interview with Gunfather MilsimOur guest today on T.A.P. is Rob with Gunfather Milsim. He's had more than twenty years of tactical training, he's a SWAT officer, a SWAT sniper, a SWAT CQB instructor, and has a YouTube airsoft channel with over 4000 subs and almost 100 videos! He's best known for his crazy high K/D on the airsoft field and clearing the most airsoft "crazies" in an insane asylum...well, maybe not that last part...or the first part, but all the other stuff is real. Go sub to his channel and tell him Erock sent you! the showThank you everyone for the support. Don't forget to leave a rating on whatever podcast app you listen to this on. It helps get this suggested to others with similar interests. Podcast SponsorsSKIRMESH TACTICAL