Again With This: Beverly Hills, 90210

MP S07.E09: Where The Hookers Grow



Having convinced himself that Megan is suicidal, Michael leaves town to follow her to the trailer park he's been given to understand she grew up in. Except whoops, it's a stately manor with horses all over the lawn, and parents who totally know what she's been doing since she left home; it was, according to Megan's mother Teresa (Shirley Jones!), the news of Megan's former profession that caused her father's debilitating stroke. Will Megan's disappointments in Los Angeles convince her to return to ranch life, or will Michael, the guy who just jilted her, lure her back to the complex? While he's out of town, Amanda sends Jane to try to land her old design school friend Alex as a client, and Jane decides to try to ignore their history for the chance at 25% of his fees if she's successful. At first he's too cold; then he's...way too warm. Speaking of being cold and then warm: Peter, rushed to the hospital for surgery on that gunshot wound. As doctors are yelling jargon over him in the ER, Peter decides he can't