Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

021: Afif Ghannoum: How to Create and Launch Physical Products in Any Market



src="" height="90" width="500"   My guest today is Afif Ghannoum, the founder of He is a formerly frustrated lawyer that has launched over ten products that have sold in 27,081 stores that include retailers like Walmart, Target & CVS. Afif also has two patents, licensed technology to a large pharma company for a product sold in tens of thousands of stores in multiple countries, and has raised $8,914,067.75 (and Counting) in venture funding.   Bestselfco., Make Success a Habit! Use the Self Journal to organize and align tactical day to day tasks with larger life goals.   In this episode you will learn: The amazing journey that brought Afif and his family to the United States What steps people can take to know and predict if the product that they want to create will sell Afif's Re