Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Val King of Whitehat Technologies



Host James sits down with Val King. Val is the CEO of Whitehat Virtual Technologies and responsible for day-to-day-operations, as well as leading the company’s product development and technology strategy. Val has 20 years of experience in technology, compliance, and security in regulated industries, particularly in financial services and healthcare. Currently Val serves in a dual role as CIO for a regional healthcare system. “The last 18 inches between the screen and the end-user is the Point of Execution, where end user experience matters, where technology either improves productivity, and thus the business, or hinders it. “Every business needs IT. Every business buys IT, but not every business is able to confidently cross that divide from IT being just a cost of doing business to a tool delivering outcomes that makes business measurably better.” Val is focused on making this a core competency of Whitehat Virtual Technologies, benefiting every customer we serve. https://www.l