Shrinking It Down: Mental Health Made Simple

Equine Therapy. How Does It Work?



Many of us have heard of dog therapy and pet therapy. But what exactly is equine therapy?Special guest Janice Gilman of BINA Farm Center joins Gene and Khadijah to help us learn about the many different kinds of equine therapy for kids. What make horses so unique when it comes to therapeutic treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, anxiety, and more? Plus, tune in until the end to hear everyone's favorite horse films and TV shows!Media ListFollow along with the conversation.Who We Are (BINA Farm Center)How Much Does a Horse Weigh? (PetMD)Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy: Facing Trauma With a horse by Their Side (McLean Hospital)Very fashionable Angel! (BINA Farm, Instagram)Hippotherapy (Nationwide Children’s Hospital)Effect of animal assisted interactions on activity and stress response in children in acute care settings (Comprehensive Psychoneuroendicrinology)How Horses Read Human Emotions (EQUUS)Therapeutic horseback riding for at-risk adolescents in residential care (Child and Adolescent Psy