Dr Karin Love & Life

Let's Talk About It: Almost 25% of American Women are Depressed! Why? Ep. 285



As anyone who’s experienced depression can tell you, it’s brutal. And, with almost 1 in 4 American women taking antidepressants, it’s clear many of us are suffering. What’s going on? What’s to be done? In this latest episode of our “Love & Life:  Let’s Talk About It” series, Miriam Conner and I explore depression in America—especially as it relates to women. Specifically, we consider: How depression is conceptualized.  The evidence that debunks the “chemical imbalance” explanation. Why antidepressants don’t work. Lifestyle factors that contribute to depression. Spoiler alert:  pretty much everything in the standard American lifestyle contributes to it! Research based strategies to liberate us from the clutches of depression! Join us to learn how to break free from the grip of depression! N.B. Please DO NOT quit taking antidepressants without the consultation and guidance of a professional trained in how to taper off SSRIs safely. Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome can result when abrup