Student Of The Gun Radio

Invaders Attack Cops, Laugh About It | SOTG 1227



The United States of America is a joke to the invaders who are infesting our nation. Witness the recent incident in New York City where 5 illegal invaders attacked two police officers. The criminals were released without bail and then they laughed and flipped off the news cameras.  During our Tech Talk from EOTech Optics, Professor Paul will address optics on handguns and the common issue of “I can’t find the dot.” How do we fix this issue and make the most of your gear?  Also, we have our Homeroom segment brought to you by How important is vision to shooting? Do you know which eye is your dominant one? Not everyone has the same vision level.  Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Send an Email Send a Text Call Us Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Huge thanks to our Partners: EOTech | FrogLube | Hi-Point Firearms |