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Getting Out of Your Head with Brian Sachetta



Brian Sachetta is the author and owner of Get Out of Your Head®, a brand and book series that seeks to help folks overcome anxiety and depression.By trade, Brian is a software developer. He combines his experiences in the tech world with previous mental health battles to draw parallels between computer systems and the human mind and give readers practical strategies for evading their own psychological demons.Brian currently has two books on the market, “Get Out of Your Head: A Toolkit for Living with and Overcoming Anxiety” and “Get Out of Your Head Vol. 2: Navigating the Abyss of Depression.” His mission is to help as many sufferers as possible through not only those books but also his blog and podcast appearances.Since high school / college, my career has been mostly: software development from 9-5 (combination of FT jobs, freelance projects, and starting a few small companies / apps with friends), then writing on nights and weekends.I enjoy both professions, but I find more meaning in the writing and would