Balanced Mind With Julie Potiker

Compassionate Breath Meditation



Julie Potiker guides you through this breathing meditation focusing on compassion. She completes the meditation with the poem,"Guru in Disguise", by Julia Fehrenbacher."Guru in Disguise", by Julia FehrenbacherThere is something about the waymorning light resets an old, mossy oakthat quiets the loud in me, invitesme to set everything down.As I step closer, I seethat she has wrinkled and grayed with age,as weathered seasons, storms-indifference.Still, she stands.She is a resting place for gentle,winged ones, a playground for frolicking graysquirrel. A sharer of secrets to anyone who takes time tolisten. She is shelter for those who are worn.Someday, she will be gonewill have turned into something else.For now, though, she is heresharing secrets, catching sunshine, inviting usto turn toward the lightand listen.-"Guru in Disguise", by Julia Fehrenbacher, from "Staying in Love".Find out more about using mindfulness in everyday life through Julie's books, "SNAP: From Calm to Chaos", and "Life Falls Apart, But You D