Kanu Entertainment

#14 - Nate talks HipHop and Industry topics w/ B-Eazy The DJ



This is our 1st podcast of a weekly series covering what's new in HipHop and in the life of B-Eazy The DJ who is VERY active in the game right now. He is on Shade 45 every Sunday w/ the L.A. Leakerz as well as Power 106 here in Los Angeles. B-Eazy has worked with everyone from Dr.Dre to Will I AM. Don't let the big names fool you tho as he is still a very down to earth cat who has a deep love for HipHop as well as a keen sense of what new music is hit and ready to hit the club speakers. In this podcast we cover everything from Will I Am's CRAZY futuristic studio to him witnessing a real cool side of Drake with a fan. Please RATE, ENJOY and SHARE.  To keep up on where he maybe next or for booking info follow him on Twitter: @BEazyTheDJ http://www.beazythedj.com/ - Website and Contact B-Eazy On Sounclound