Court Leader's Advantage

Artificial Intelligence and the Courts: Omen or Opportunity?



January 16th Court Leader’s Advantage Podcast Episode Artificial Intelligence.  The media is filled with discussions of its potential to dramatically change our lives.  It will increase productivity; it will relieve us from having to make mundane decisions; it will reveal heretofore unseen connections. Conversely, it may eliminate jobs, take away our ability to make complex decisions, fill the airwaves with misinformation, and even threaten our way of life.  In addition, many think that artificial intelligence (AI) is just too obscure.  It is, frankly, not that important to normal people and everyday life.  Some of the questions we will explore include: Are there real day-to-day applications of AI affecting courts now?   Is AI applicable just for large metropolitan courts or is it also a tool for suburban and rural courts? Are there aspects of AI that courts need to safeguard against mow? Here to discuss these questions are:  Kevin Bowling: retired court administrator for the Circuit Court in Ottawa Coun