Buck Sexton With America Now

Buck Brief - Elbridge Colby on Biden's China Policy, Taiwan's Dilemma, & Global Hotspots



Elbridge Colby is an American national security policy expert who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Development from 2017 to 2018 during the Trump administration. Join Colby and Buck in a riveting analysis of the Biden Administration's China policy in this must-watch episode. Over the past year, tensions have been escalating in various global hotspots, including Europe, the Middle East, Israel, and the Taiwan Strait. Discover why Colby is raising the alarm about the U.S.'s readiness to face China and Russia's increasingly assertive military postures. Special guest, former Colonel Andrew Mil Verebery, dives deep into the complexities of Taiwan's geopolitical status, shedding light on China's potential use of ambiguity and misinformation. Will this strategy lead to a peaceful intervention, or is it a precursor to a more aggressive stance against the U.S.? Uncover the potential ramifications of China's actions in the upcoming 2024 US election cycle, and hear our experts' tak