Scalf Life

#266: Shogun SoCal - A New Era of Airsoft: Immersive Experiences and Powerful Team Dynamics



Ever wondered how team dynamics in the world of airsoft can teach us valuable lessons about leadership, collaboration, and growth? Join us as we chat with our guests Ryan, David, and Tony, who share their incredible journey in the airsoft realm, discussing the importance of having both a door-busting daredevil and a strategic mastermind on their team. We're also excited to celebrate Meanmanchan's birthday and talk about the growth of their event company, complete with a demo promo reel to show off their new venture.Dive in as we discuss creating an immersive airsoft experience in California, drawing inspiration from the personalities of our podcast hosts and their approach to fostering a welcoming, non-toxic team environment. Learn about their plans for two separate leagues within the event company and a unique membership program that features immersive videos and storylines to keep you engaged. Discover how our guests have successfully honed their skills, embraced old-school methods and technology,