So Very Wrong About Games

#293: Out of Print Games Revisited



Heraclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher, claimed that you never step in the same river twice; for it is not the same river and you are not the same person. Such as it is with games! They are reprinted and thus reborn, all along some blurred spectrum of redesign spanning from carbon copy all the way to entirely new design.Let us not forget Heraclitus' student Cratylus, who evidently thought Heraclitus some kind of squish, insofar as he is credited with countering that you cannot step into the same river once.01:25 AYURIS: Perseverance: Castaway Chronicles Episodes 1 & 2 (Richard Amann, Thomas Vande Ginste, Viktor Peter, Wolf Plancke, & Dávid Turczi, Mindclash Games, 2022)Games Played Last Week:03:32 -Rats of Wistar (Simone Luciani and Danilo Sabia, Cranio Creations, 2023)09:15 -Voidfall (Nigel Buckle & Dávid Turczi, Mindclash Games, 2023)11:00 -Faiyum: Privileges (Friedemann Friese, 2F-Spiele, 2023)15:04 -Horizon Wars: Midnight Dark (Robey Jenkins, Precinct Omega Publishing, 2023)22:52 -Burned