Hong Kong Confidential

S1E62: 62| Table of Two Cities



Tegan Smyth is an Australian Lawyer working in Hong Kong who runs a program for refugees called Table of Two Cities. It is a community project where refugees tell their stories and share their culture through food. A shared meal can bring both sides of Hong Kong to one shared table.  Two sides of the city, united by an idea, by acceptance, understanding and by food. Table of Two Cities enables refugees to give something of themselves to the local community and feel valued and appreciated. Tegan reminds us that ‘food is a universal medium to communicate your understanding of the world’. Tegan is a survivor of assault and she shares her experience with us and explains how helping others, is a way for her navigate her own trauma. She wants to hold space for people who do not have the spaced opened to them. Tegan feels that empathy is a gift and facing her trauma has inspired her to strive to create something worthwhile in the lives of others and helped her find a purpose in her own life. By shar