Hong Kong Confidential

S1E69: 69| Tap Cancer Out



Emily Lola Tan has Leukemia. She shares her story whilst also raising awareness of the importance of bone marrow donations for Leukemia suffers- especially Asian people as they don’t seem to register as bone marrow donors as much as people in other countries. Finding a bone marrow match will significantly increase Emily’s chances of survival and she is on a mission to raise awareness for all Leukemia patients. We discuss why it is better for her to stay in Hong Kong to find a bone marrow match and we explore the lack of public awareness surrounding blood cancers as opposed to other more publicised cancers. Emily explains how she first discovered that she has Leukemia when she was travelling in Europe and how the diagnosis has changed her outlook on life. She shares her deepest secrets from her past where, as a teen, she was raped by her boyfriend and later, unable to cope with the shame and the guilt, attempted suicide. This is a heart wrenching disclosure that will impact all who listen. Emily go