Hong Kong Confidential

S1E94: 94| Zig FitMama



Ziggy Makant is a young mum and fitness trainer who has combined her love of babies and fitness to create a new niche in Hong Kong working with pre and post-natal mothers as a coach helping them with their fitness, nutrition and well-being. Ziggy opens up about her struggles with post-natal depression and how she was able to overcome this significant obstacle. Ziggy also shares her experience with breastfeeding and weaning her child. None of this was easy for the young 23-year-old mother. One of the key coping mechanisms that she discovered was exercising with her baby and connecting with other young mothers. We discuss the pressure to regain the pre-baby body and how this is not realistic as the body will never be what is was before because it has become so much more. Ziggy feels that the early postpartum period is rarely talked about, and she believes that this time can often be much more demanding than childbirth. Ziggy creates spaces for young mothers with her ‘Mum Fit’ classes where they can