Hong Kong Confidential

S1E99: 99| Befriend Your Mind



Candace Castro has been a seeker all her life, looking for a way to live a life of joy, purpose and love.  Her childhood conditioning deeply affected the way she viewed herself. She struggled with crippling negative self-talk and had a yearning to belong. This negativity impacted the kind of life choices she made which, often caused her great distress and suffering.  She has been self-employed for most of her life and knows what it means to be both independent as well as dependent, having become a “tai tai” after her marriage to a man of wealth and importance and having to face all the attendant challenges and responsibilities of being a “corporate wife”. Even though she “had it all”, Candace still found her life empty, purposeless and pointless.  Her life experiences combined with the practice of Kundalini Yoga helped her to become the Tai Tai Yogini and to gain insight into how to help herself and other women discover a path to happiness and fulfillment. Sh