Hong Kong Confidential

S1E101: 101| Suicide and Mental Health Awareness



Dr Hannah Sugarman is a psychologist from the U.K. working in Hong Kong. Mental health issues are on the rise and Hong Kong is no exception. Hannah shares her wisdom on a range of topics including mental health triggers and mindfulness practices. Hannah discusses the stigma surrounding mental health and how we can begin to overcome many myths and misconceptions. We discuss mental health first aid with a focus on suicide and how we can help others and ourselves. There are many resources available for people who need support and Hannah and I touch on a few- both locally and internationally. There are many great ways to improve our mental health and Hannah makes several excellent suggestions that anyone can implement very easily. Dr Hannah Sugarman: www.reflect-well.com Warning: This podcast focuses on mental health issues and the topic of suicide. If you feel triggered in anyway, then please contact your local GP. Alternatively, you could reach out to any of the following resources. The Samaritans HK: https://s