Hong Kong Confidential

S1E103: 103| Pondering Periods



Dr Katherine Dale is a naturopath who wants to lift the stigma and the taboos surrounding talking about menstruation and women’s health. She is committed to empowering women and encouraging self-awareness and body knowledge. We discuss many topics including periods, ovarian cancer, period pants, masturbation and fertility.  Dr Katherine shares her wisdom on all aspects of women’s sexual health. She explains periods in detail and the way that women’s cycles vary. We learn about the history of menstruation and how society viewed this part of our cycle in the past and how these views have evolved and changed. Dr Katherine organised a Menstrual Awareness Day recently in Hong Kong and she shares what was involved in this celebration of womanhood and menstruation, and how the conversation about all issues related to menstruation was initiated and embraced by women from all ages and all walks of life. She gives us an insight into how our cycle effects the way that we relate to others and the w