Sexual Essentials Llc

EP. 33: Foreplay on Stage FT. And Then We Had Sex



Strap in for a wild ride as we have the dynamic duo, J-Rod and Kristen from And Then We Had Sex Podcast!  Join us for a conversation that's as unpredictable as it is enlightening. Buckle up as we venture through their captivating story of being full time creatives, juggling relationship dynamics, and maintaining that sizzle in the bedroom. We're going to get real personal as we steer the conversation towards the ability to pivot careers. Our guests, share their journey with us, demonstrating how to stay open, creative, and adaptable in uncertain times. But we're not just talking careers here, we're diving into the complexities of dating within the same creative space. We get candid about sexual preferences and relationships. We'll share some laughs and blushes as we discuss self-love, mutual masturbation, and how these elements can be a refreshing alternative to sexual intimacy. We'll even give you a little sneak peek of our Patreon revamp, with a sneak peak into their sexual experiences. So, tune in, laugh w