Sexual Essentials Llc

EP. 47 Don’t Therapize Me Ft. Dr. Tiy-E



Can masturbation be considered cheating? Does self-discipline breed happiness in relationships? You've got questions, and we’ve got answers. I, along with Dr. Tiy-E dive headfirst into the oft-taboo subject of sex and relationships. We explore the complex corners of love languages, the influence of past trauma on present relationships, and the role of self-care in your love life. We wrap up the episode with a heartfelt conversation about the different types of love, the role of astrology in understanding our relationship styles, and a call to action - to love ourselves first.  Other topics you can expect to hear are:  -Dating Again After Personal Growth -Discipline and Joy in Relationships -Dating After Trauma -Understanding Trust and Dating Dynamics -Love Languages and Meeting Relationship Expectations -Exploring Boundaries and Self-Discovery in Dating -Investing in Relationships and Setting Boundaries -Loneliness, Trauma, and Boundaries in Relationships -Types of Love in Relationships Importance Black Frida