Holding Space

43: Breastfeeding for the Working Family with Robin Kaplan, IBCLC



In this episode I sit down with Robin Kaplan, founder of the San Diego Breastfeeding Center and author of Latch. Robin has her Masters in Education and is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. In this episode we explore the experience of going back to work for breastfeeding families from an emotional, relational, and logistical perspective. Robin shares some incredible resources in the episode, here are links to the resources mentioned: Free Guide to Going Back to Work for Breastfeeding Parents Breastfeeding for the Working Parent E-Course (with $15 discount code for Holding Space listeners) Resource for laws that protect breastfeeding and pumping parents' rights for pumping at work Amazing resource for thinking outside of the box for pumping locations DIY Breastfeeding video on baby-led bottlefeeding  Did you connect with that episode? The best way to support Holding Space podcast is to subscribe and leave a review! Podcast reviews help us reach those who need it most, and I read each an