Holding Space

69: Teaching Children Consent with Psychotherapist Jessica Vanderwier



In this episode I am sharing my conversation with psychotherapist, Jessica Vanderwier, the creator of the Instagram account @ourmamavillage. Today Jess is sharing with us how we can teach our children about consent. In this episode Jess shares tangible ways and age-specific tips in which we can teach our kids from an early age about how to honor the boundaries of their bodies and to respect the boundaries of others.  While what we discuss in this episode is incredibly important, I also realize that today's topic might be triggering for some of you depending on your context, comfort-level, and your own history and experiences. If after this episode you find yourself needing a little more personalized support, we have some resources listed below where you can find a therapist in your area: Psychology Today Open Path Collective (if you're looking for a therapist who offers a lower fee) Postpartum Support International Did you connect with that episode? The best way to support Holding Space podcast is to