Holding Space

82: Preparing Your Emotions for Postpartum with Nicole Makowka, LMFT



When you think about preparing for a new baby, what comes to mind? The perfect registry. Check! The finished nursery. Check! The ideal birth plan. Check! These are often the featured items on our checklist when we are expecting, and checking these things off our list can offer us a sense of control. Yet, what about preparing for the more nuanced and unexpected aspects of postpartum? Like, how this huge transition can bring up some pretty big emotions... We face a lot of conflicting and ambiguous feelings during postpartum and they can be tough to navigate. That's why I invited Nicole Makowka to help walk us through some of those unexpected, but common emotions that can come up during postpartum. Nicole is the Head of Education & Wellbeing at LOOM, a licensed marriage and family therapist, and an expert in early childhood development. In today's episode she offers us some real tangible tips that you can start taking today to help prepare you for those big feelings of postpartum. To learn more about