Holding Space

115: Where Do We Even Start? Intimacy in the Trenches of Parenting with Vanessa and Xander Marin



Let's talk about sex baby...but after baby!  I'm so excited to share my conversation with New York Times bestselling authors of the book Sex Talks: The Five Conversations that will Transform Your Sex Life, Vanessa and Xander Marin. She's a sex therapist with 20 years of experience, and he's a regular dude! Together they've made it their mission to provide the sex education we all deserve but didn't get. In this episode we are talking to parents, because let's be real...there can be SO many blocks to intimacy after baby and beyond. This episode will help you answer the question: "where do we even start?" Vanessa is also one of my book besties. We connect over our love of spicy fantasy fiction, and share how reading spicy books can be a supportive step in reconnecting with that part of ourselves in parenthood. Connect with Vanessa and Xander over on Instagram @vanessaandxander where they share informed and open sex education with a hint of humor that makes it oh so relatable.