Faith Producers International Podcast




WISDOM GIVES LIFE   It's the first day of a new week, and we look forward to the challenging yet adventurous days ahead of us. Because life is not always guaranteed to work out the way you thought it would, we trust the Lord to guide us through the pitfalls and the snares that it may offer. To do that, we prepare ourselves by studying and meditating upon the word of God for wisdom. Godly wisdom comes only from the spiritual realm in which God lives and from the spirit of wisdom herself. To receive godly wisdom, we have been given the ability by God himself to have Faith and belief. The Scriptures tell us that he has given every person the measure of Faith. God's Faith is planted in the spirit of every created human so they can believe in the Lord Jesus and find their way home to the Father. We have been given clear instructions on receiving the spirit of wisdom and the gift of life. The apostle Paul told his spiritual son Timothy to study the word of God, and it would prove him to be a faithful servant. Jesus