Faith Producers International Podcast




THE ORIGINAL PROBLEM SOLVER   What was the original sin that separated humanity from fellowship with their creator? Was it, not the fact that Adam and Eve stepped away from the rules of life that God had set for them? The key to harmony and peace in the heavenly kingdom and in the world that Adam lived in was obedience to the rules of life. Those rules of life were very clear. Obey what I say, and you will have success. Disobey what I say, and you will find trouble. As quoted in the book of Genesis, the serpent in the garden came into their life of tranquility and peace and beguiled them. The word beguiled means to bring confusion to the point of changing your opinions and understanding. What happened was that Adam and Eve became their own counselor and, in a real sense, their own God. From that point on, it was "game on." Who among us needs God? We can be our own problem solvers. So here we are after all of these centuries that have passed, and we have come up with a new brilliant idea called artificial inte