Anastasia Ryzhkova Podcast

Mercury Retrograde



Embark on a solo celestial odyssey with Anastasia as she unravels the cosmic dance of Mercury Retrograde in this special episode of "Anastasia's Podcast." Join your host as she dives deep into the intricacies of the synodic cycle, demystifying the enigmatic journey of Mercury as it appears to move backward in the cosmic tapestry. In this soulful exploration, Anastasia shares insights on how to harness the power of Mercury Retrograde for personal growth and soul evolution. Discover the cosmic nuances that make this celestial event a unique opportunity for introspection, self-discovery, and navigating life's twists and turns. Delving into the specifics of this retrograde through the lens of Chandra symbols, Anastasia unveils the hidden wisdom encoded in the cosmic language of the stars. From communication challenges to unexpected revelations, each phase of Mercury Retrograde becomes a roadmap for transformation. So, whether you're a seasoned astrologer or someone curious about the cosmic forces at play, join An