Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Living on the Narrow Path – Billy Williams pt 1



Living on the Narrow Path  Billy Williams pt 1 In Matthew chapter seven, Jesus told us to be careful on which path we choose to follow. His advice: “Take the narrow path.”  That is what we will be discussing today. Amen! With so many religious doctrines floating around out there right now, living on the “Narrow Path” is definitely needed to keep our feet on the right path to salvation. Amen! Our guest today is the author of a book titled, “The Narrow Path.” Pastor Billy Williams was raised in Los Angeles.  His story did not start off with what most people will think is blessed. He was SOLD as a baby. Amen.  He suffered many disappointments over his life. Rejection being one of them that he had to conquer. Amen. A US Army Veteran, Pastor Billy Williams is now in the Army of God. He is the pastor of an online church called, “Unity Christian Fellowship” in New Mexico.  He also has television program called, “Living the Narrow Path”. He is here today to talk about his book, “Living on the Narrow Path” and how tha