Brief Remarks

In Conversation: Democracy in the Digital Era



2024 will be a stress test for democracy, with the election in the United States among the most dangerous potential breaking points. More often than not, awareness and the public debate will be shaped by and in the digital sphere. In the next of our series of highlight sessions from the 2023 Global Progress Action Summit, Roberta Braga (Director, Counter Disinformation Strategies at Equis, Supriya Dwivedi (Director of Policy and Engagement at McGill’s Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy and member of the Canada 2020 Advisory Board), Ben Scott (Executive Director at Reset Tech) talk with Megan Shahi (Director of Technology Policy at CAP Action) about the responsibility of governments, civil society, and platforms to prepare for these elections, and what’s at stake in 2024.This conversation took place on September 16, 2023, at the 2023 Global Progress Action Summit in Montréal hosted by Canada 2020 and CAP Action. It has been lightly edited for length and clarity.