Creative Thursday

324 How I Structure my Day to Achieve My Goals



What does your ideal work day look like?   A question I'm often is what does my the structure of my day looks like and how do I schedule it to support my goals.   Do you know your energy levels throughout the days of a week, at particular times of day?   When it comes to planning your ideal schedule where does your productivity excel?   All important questions to help you be efficient with your time and effective with your focus. But not more important than the one question I come back to asking every time you ask me about how I plan.   In this episode I remind you of that single most important question that you want an answer to that will help you all the rest of your plans fall into place.   I also share with you the full list of responsibilities I have in the business today while stepping you through exactly how my days and week look based upon my answer to the questions above.   In a nutshell, this is how I get things done in my business.   Part 1 of a series on Time Management. Send me your DM's on Insta