Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Drawing Closer to the Day of the Lord - TS Wright



Drawing Closer to the Day of the Lord TS Wright As the world leans closer and closer to what is called the “End Times” war scenario, we see politicians of all shapes, sizes, colors and parties beginning to take sides and reveal their true hearts. We have Palestinian and Hamas supporters in Congress. We have Palestinian Hamas supporters in colleges. We have Palestinian and Hamas supporters protesting in the streets. We also see “some” Israeli supporters – but the liberal news agencies are not really covering them, their stories or discussing the reason Israel has the right to defend itself as a nation. Folks, if you balance out the per capita ratio of those murdered on October 7th, you will see why Israel is so adamant on destroying Hamas once and for all.  If the same ratio of casualties were here in the United States, I believe it would be something like 50,000 victims if it would have happened here. If that did happen here, do you think the United States would respond to the terrorist attacks? Do you thin