
My mentor survived Pearl Harbor and inspired me in many ways Let me tell you the story!



Yes this is the day that we remember Pearl Harbor. And today we will have stories and remember it even though it now goes back so I'm 82 years and there are not many survivors of Pearl Harbor that are left today. He is long past and he is one of my best mentors though I never met him in person and he never met me. He didn't even know about me... When it comes to being a radio broadcaster and somebody who is a master at personal development and teaching and coaching people about how to be successful in life, he was one of the best and I learned a great deal from him. And he has been dead for over 30 years but people are still being inspired and learning from him including me. And after this 20 minute radio program he may even have inspired and helped you learn things about life and business that you didn't know before. There is some real wisdom in this program but most of it is not original with me, it is something that I was taught and then some thing that I learned. Thanks for listening to my story, Stan