
Body Hair Sh!t



Husbands and fathers, Sterling Simcox (@ssimcox) and André Charron (@acharron88) are this week’s #QueerRelationshipGoals - and for several reasons. Not only are they great together, but they’re wonderful to look at and even more incredible fathers and we are absolutely obsessed with them! Give them a follow on IG and let them know the Critellis sent you. Then, Marko and Tony get together to talk about body hair - and more specifically, what their body hair preferences are for their partner and themselves. Has gay culture influenced our thoughts on what our body hair should look like? And how much has media played a part in what we prefer when it comes to a potential partner’s body hair? Finally, the guys read this week’s Listener Sh!tuation and offer some guidance, Critelli-style.  Articles:Queerty: New Survey Reveals How Gay Men Really Feel About Hairy and Smooth ChestsLive Gay Men and Body HairShit to Put on Your Radar:Our friends over at the Minoritea Report Podcast have joined DNR Studios! Head