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Employee Performance in the Workplace: Ethical Conundrums



October 26, 2023, A Question of Ethics Conversation Episode   Today’s Question of Ethics Conversation looks at several ethical challenges regarding employee performance. It discusses four questions many supervisors face in their oversight role. Can you, as a supervisor, remain friends with colleagues once you have become their boss?  This is an especially critical question when it comes time to promote someone, and you promote your ‘friend’. -Are performance reviews good or bad? Are they useful tools for supervisors and managers? -Is it ethical to use a personal relationship to get promoted in the workplace?      Is it ethical to treat each worker differently instead of having the same rules for everyone? (i.e., working from home)?   This Question of Ethics Conversation looks at how technology plays a role in workplace culture for court users, for one’s co-workers, and on a court’s institutional knowledge.   Today’s Moderator Samantha Wallis: Deputy Trial Court Administrator, Supreme Court, Coeur d’Alene,