
Will AI replace the great artists in the world and why don't you be a lamplighter?



 Last Friday I talked about trying to think about it as Bright Friday and maybe you thought of ways to take that to heart.  But let's face it there's a lot of darkness in the world today and so perhaps we need to think differently about what we might be doing right now. First of all did deal with the AI challenge and couldn't be they did not only will replace many of the great artists but maybe it will replace you too "the UR. factor."  I will challenge you to read the piece and you begin to think about it. But then an old old painting reminded me of the importance of a long-ago occupation which technology certainly put an end to ... The lamplighter, and perhaps we need to think of a new way of being points of light, people of light and bright, people in the midst of the darkness and the evil of this new sometimes Nazi era, how can we be lamp lighters. And then may I challenge you with what I called the Michelangelo Project.  It's one that I am involved in and I'm gonna challenge you to join me in the Michela