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Vagrein’s Prophecies: The Great Shift, Humanity’s Ultimate Choice & Ascending To 5D Jessica Herman



We've all heard the world is shifting, that we're in the Great Shift, and that we may not even make it through---or that if we do, humanity will be unrecognizable. But what does this mean, and what do we have to do to make it through? That's what I discuss with channel and medium Jessika Herman, and honestly, what I grill her guides, who go by Vagrein about. I wanted to look into the future, to see where humanities going, and what's that ONE thing, or things we need to do to make it through. And especially, to thrive, rather than suffer through these times. If it's true that this shift is an elevation of consciousness, raising us from 3D to 5D, then I want to know how, AND what we get to do, to make the ride easier, safer, or more enjoyable. For our highest good, and the highest good of all, or something even better. The Shift isn't just coming, it's HERE, so the question is, what do we do about it? Join me for the most fascinating channeling about the future, about The Shift, and about Earth and Humanity its