HALO Talks

Episode #456: Maximizing Studio Success-Strategic Tips for Boutique Owners with Maura Vella



Maura Vella started her journey in the corporate world, quickly climbing the ladder and achieving financial success by the age of 24 in tech sales. However, she realized that despite the impressive paycheck, she lacked a sense of purpose and excitement. This led her to embark on a different path, one centered around her newfound passion for yoga. She eagerly attended classes every day, and it became the focal point of her daily routine. Fueled by this passion, she made the rather large decision to leave her lucrative job and pursued her dream of teaching yoga and getting into the business side of the HALO sector. (Health, Active Lifestyle, Outdoors.) She ventured into this new chapter of her life, eager to share the benefits of yoga with others while building a thriving community for like-minded individuals. She states, "By the time I was 24, I was making six figures, which was amazing. But then had this epiphany that it wasn't purpose driven. I wasn't really excited about what I was doing even though I was m