Court Leader's Advantage

Suburban and Rural Courts: Their Perspective Do Remote Hearings Pose Special Challenges?



November 21st, 2023, Court Leader’s Advantage Podcast Episode Suburban and rural courts often face distinctive issues.  These issues are different from those of truly small courts, but also different from the issues faced by massive metropolitan court organizations. It is tempting to always talk about big problems in big courts. It is easy to forget that two-thirds of the courts in our country are benches made up of fewer than 10 judges.   Today’s episode is going to revisit a relatively recent phenomenon: remote hearings. But it is going to look at it from the perspective of courts that are sometimes overlooked: suburban and rural courts.   As recently as 2019, remote hearings were an oddity.  Few courts offered them; few parties asked for them. Then came COVID and remote hearings became a regular part of many court calendars.  The long-term future of remote hearings is still a question mark. Most litigants, attorneys, and the general public seem to enjoy the convenience of appearing remotely. Judges seem l