Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

The Ten Commandments – TS Wright pt 1



The Ten Commandments  TS Wright pt 1 Today, we are going to go into detail about the 10 Commandments. No, I do not have Charlton Heston here today… but we do have someone, maybe not as famous, but definitely an expert on the 10 Commandments. That person is none other than our good friend Scott Wright! Amen! Scott, welcome back as we continue on this quest of digging deeper into the Kingdom of God and, as you put it, the “God Centered Concept!” Amen! Well, I guess the best way to start is to say that there are actually more than 10 Commandments, because Jesus gave us a greater commandment than the 10 contained in the Old Testament. Am I right? Tell us about the primary commandments being number 1, 2 and 10. The Commandments are a Spiritual warfare guide to keep us focused on God and not the devil. The “attachment principle” is summed up in the 10th Commandment. “Covertness is what leads to the Commandments 3-9.” So Commandments 3-9 give the details about numbers 1, 2, and 10 and what it looks like when you ar