Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Right View of Life



Luke 16:19-31 — The only two eternal destinations for humankind are heaven and hell. In this sermon on Luke 16:19–31 titled “The Right View of Life,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows the two very different destinies presented in Scripture that correspond to two different ways of living. There is the carnal life of sin and pleasure that is only concerned with what is temporal and physical. This life leads to eternal destruction and is the destiny of all who die in sin. The other way of life is one that is concerned with God and what is true, good, and eternal. This life leads to eternal life and communion with God. These two lives are either of unbelief or belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ. One’s attitude toward life, death, and the soul reflects the heart and mind. The story of the rich man and Lazarus show these two principals at work in these two lives. Jesus shows the folly of living for this world with its fleeting passions and desires. But those who seek the kingdom of God are blessed and righteous even t